Address Verification

Address verification ensures that the address data you collect is accurate, up to date, and standardized. It is done by sending people to physical locations to check out a candidate’s address.

Having confidence in your data is important for all business plans and initiatives. Ninety-seven percent of organizations today use data to power businesses opportunities, and just as many see it as an essential resource to better service their customers and increase revenue. Address verification allows you to reduce costs, put a stop to wasted outbound mailings, and prevent inaccurate marketing activity to boost customer satisfaction.

Parameters for Address Check ?

Key Validations: Overall Address, Landmark, Nearby Police Station or Post Office, Address Proof, Period of Stay, Residential Status, Type of Residence, Type of Area, Person Met & Relationship, Neighbours Name, Neighbours Address, Neighbours Contact Number

Source & Mode of Verification

Site Visit by Field Representatives

TAT (Turn-Around Time)

3 to 07 Working days